Month 2 Roundup

October 1, 2018
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September’s roundup

Our second month has been a busy one and we’ve been making some great progress. Mostly, this has been in background areas that nobody will ever notice because they are about stability, future proofing and security… All very important though!

Having said that, we were able to push out a few nice changes…


Whilst we had always anticipated most users being on the latest versions of Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox etc. it quickly became apparent that a majority of agencies deal with clients (particularly in the public sector) who don’t update their browsers and are still running on systems from more than 10 years ago.

So, we have gone through everything and classified the browsers into three tiers and made sure that the site works on the desktop version of more than 99% of the browsers that are currently in use. We have thrown some quirky ones in there and if anyone finds one that we don’t support, then we should be able to add that quickly enough too. Follow this link to read more about our supported browsers.


Straight to timesheets
It was only a tiny change but it’s a great usability improvement. Now, when a contractor or authorisor logs in, if they just have one role, rather than seeing their roles page, they will go straight to the timesheet page for their agency.

Minor additions

  • Payroll number added to contractor when assigned to a new contract
  • Holiday tickbox added to timesheet so that a contractor can submit a day’s holiday instead of time worked
  • Half-day time period added
  • Timesheet list displayed in reverse date order by default
  • Add new contacts and clients on the fly
  • Sign up page from home page changed to make a clearer journey for all parties
  • Tool tips removed from sidebar
  • Slideout summary info removed to simplify design
  • Holiday info added to timesheet download
  • Scroll function added to slideouts

Bug fixes

  • Date picker now maintains height when scrolling between months
  • Error messages in certain scenarios no longer repeat
  • Emails not always being received when invites sent from new contracts
  • Sidebar logout button fixed
  • Login page text now centred when error messages are returned
  • Client side validation fixed for forms
