Logging in as an administrator or super admin
First time logging in
If you are the first administrator for your agency, when you signed up, you will have been sent an email with a unique link, use this to set your password. If you haven't received it, please check your junk folder and if it isn't there, please call our help phone number.
If you have been invited by another administrator from within the agency, then you will have been emailed from the system inviting you to join as an administrator, just follow the instructions and your account setup should only take a few seconds. If you haven't received this email, please check your junk folder and if you have further problems, ask the super admin (whomever invited you) to call us.
Logging in as an existing user
Navigate to your agencies login page. This can normally be found at agency-name.savetrees.co.uk or can be linked from your website or, you will have received an email through the SaveTrees system when you were added you to the system and you can follow that link.
Once you are at your agency sign in page, enter your account email address associated to you that your agency used to sign you up, and enter your password.