How to setup your agency branding

September 15, 2019
Featured image for “How to setup your agency branding”

Making the system look like your own

To set up the system so that it complements your own branding, follow the steps below:

1. Login and navigate to your administration role and then select 'Settings' on the left hand menu.
Agency dashboard
3. Click on branding.
3. Click on branding.
Agency Settings

4. Select your agency colours

Select the colours you would like to use. You get two of these, a primary and a secondary and each has a text colour.

Primary sets the colours for:

  • The header bar along the top of the dashboard
  • The header of various forms
  • Background to your agencies login page
  • The header of the emails that are sent from your agency
  • Buttons

Secondary sets the colour for:

  • The left hand side bar and text

Branding colour change

5. Choose a square logo or icon

To do this, click on the SaveTrees icon in the left hand box, choose the file from your computer and click open.

The square icon is used for:

  • The favicon on the browser tab
  • The icon on your agencies log in page
  • The small version of your logo when the left hand menu is collapsed
Choose square logo screenshot
Square logo selected screenshot

6. Choose a rectangular logo

To do this, click on the SaveTrees logo in the right hand box, choose the file from your computer and click open.

The rectangular logo is used:

  • In the expanded menu on the left in your dashboard
  • In the header of your emails to contractors and authorisers
Rectangular logo chosen
Rectangular logo chosen

7. Save everything

Click save and everything will magically update.

Remember to click this or all changes will be lost.

Branded agency dashboard with logos updated
Recruitment agency branded login page

This help article was last updated on September 10, 2023

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