Branded agency login pages

Release 2.5.0 📃 Branded Timesheet PDF’s

James WarrackUncategorized

Version 2.5.0 📃 Branded PDF DownloadsRelease notesThis release contains several improvements: Branded PDF timesheets Offline and online notifications Additional format for downloads from Timesheet summary page Branded PDF timesheetsYou can now download Timesheets in  PDF format. This has your branding at the header and footer and has the latest status change audit details such as who authorised it, when and …

Remus Rewards logo

Release 2.4.0 📝 Timesheet comments

James WarrackUncategorized

Version 2.4.0 📝 Timesheet notes Release notesThis release contains several great new features: Timesheet notes Reasons for rejections Search function in drop down menus Client change & addition on Contract detail Tool tips on quick actions Timsheet notesYou can now add comments to timesheets. This can be done by the contractor, any authorisers assigned to that contractor or the agency, …

Release 2.2.0 📬 Email notifications

James WarrackUncategorized

Version 2.2.0 📬 Email notifications Email notifications After much demand, we are happy to announce that email notifications are here! This means that when a contractor submits a timesheet, the primary authoriser receives an instant email notification. Once the timesheet is then authorised, the contractor receives an email saying that the timesheet has been accepted or rejected. Agency ‘from’ name …

Holiday timesheets

Release 2.1.1 ✈️ Holiday option

James WarrackUncategorized

Version 2.1.1 is now live! Option to allow contractors to submit time as holidayA long time ago, one of our first agencies asked us to add a holiday tick box to the timesheets so we did, we have since had a request from another agency to remove it so we have made it an option. This option is now set …

Duplicate timesheet warning

Release 2.0.0

James WarrackUncategorized

New Decade, New Online Timesheet System🎉Version 2.0.0 is now live! 🎉Faster Timesheet Submission and Authorisation For AllFor a long time, we’ve been on a mission to bring the neatest, fastest and most user friendly online timesheet system to recruitment agencies, their contractors and their clients and now, we’ve taken another huge leap forward towards that goal. In this release, timesheet …