
So, you've chosen to get setup with SaveTrees?
Congratulations and welcome aboard!
Onboarding can be done in one of two ways. Either you onboard yourself, or you can book in an onboarding session where we run you through things. This is what we recommend because when you add real people, you tend to have real questions and if we're there to answer them in real-time, it just makes the process a whole lot easier. To book this in, visit our onboarding session calendar here.
In this first video, we will walk you through the signup process. It's pretty self-explanatory but explains how your URL is created and what to do if you plan to have multiple agencies using the system and want to switch between each without having to log out and back in.
→ Here is where you sign up your agency ←
So first off, head over to my.savetrees.co.uk/signup which you can get a link to from the SaveTrees homepage.
Put in your agency name, make sure that this is a user-friendly name, probably don't use your legal name such as if this was Rocket Recruitment Partners Limited or something like that. Because that will make up part of your URL and also to sign off on your emails.
So, in this instance, it would say Thanks, the Rocket Recruitment Team, so I'll just finish signing up here.
Also, one other note is that if you're going to set up multiple agencies and you want to log in just using one email address, use that email address here. Accept the Terms of Use, click on 'Sign up your agency' and then wait to receive the email and follow the instructions.
In this step, you will learn how to set up the branding for your agency and this includes:
1. What your URL is - You can link to this from your main website.
2. How to set your agency brand colours. Here is how to find the hex codes for your exact agency colours.
Notes: Your Primary main colour is used for the bar that goes across the top of the dashboard, the background of the entire login page, the header of your emails and the PDF's. The Primary text is the colour of the text that sits on top of the Primary main. Your Secondary main is used in the left hand menu. The Secondary text is the colour of any text that sits on top of the Secondary main.
3. How to add your square and rectangular logos.
Okay, so you're signed up to the system now. Now what we want to do is get the system looking like it's your own and to do that, we need to brand it up. So go to settings down at the bottom left here.
Click on 'Branding' and then you'll see up here, this is the URL that you can link to from your website. And then when people click on that, they'll be taken to your branded login page.
So at the moment, if we open this up in an incognito window, so you're not logged in, you can see that that looks like a SaveTrees branding.
So let's get rid of that.
And first off, let's start with the logos. So we'll change the square logo for this, and we'll change the rectangular logo for this.
Then we'll change the colours up here, now these will change in real-time as you can see. We've got a blue, which is this hex code and a red that is this hex code. And you can also change the colour of the text, that is on top of each of them, but we'll put it back to white and the text that's on top of the left-hand menu can be whatever you want too.
We'll put that back to white again.
When we click 'Save' that will update the logo up there.
And if we now go to the login page in an incognito window again, we'll see it's all set up as the agency.
So before you invite anyone to the system, we recommend you do that because then the emails that come through will be all nice and branded to your own colours and logos.
This step will teach you how to set up the system ready for your agency. Everything on this video shows you the global settings for the whole agency but things like defaults can be changed at lower levels e.g. the contract and then contractor levels.
- Set whether you work on a week/month beginning or week/month ending.
- For weekly timesheets, set whether the week starts/ends on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday etc.
- Apply defaults such as whether contractors submit hourly rates, day rates or neither. If neither is set, you can then set them at a more granular level.
- As above but with weekly or monthly submissions.
- Set up whether contractors have to explicitly put in their hours or the timesheets are defaulted to 9:00 - 17:00/Monday to Friday.
- Set defaults on whether the contractors can submit holidays or work past midnight and thus submit a nightshift.
- Changing the agency URL that links from the agency logo which is on the emails that get sent to contractors and clients.
Okay, so next up, now that we've got the dashboard branded, we're going to go over to the 'Settings' and make sure that you've got everything set up ready for when you onboard your first contractor. So let's start off with agency defaults and then we'll go into contracts. Now, this is where we can set up how your timesheets are submitted
So some agencies do it weekly, some do it monthly, some change it on a contractor to contract basis
and if that's the case, you would set it to 'No default set' and then you choose it at the next level down, but most do it weekly so we'll put it there
Now, you get two different types of input. They can be 'Daily' rates or 'Hourly' rates
and that depends on how you set that up with the contractor, if it's different across different contractors then just again, select 'No default set'
once you've done that, let's go to the next one along, which is 'Timesheets'
now for this, normally, agencies start with a week or month, beginning on a Monday or the first of the month
so if you do it at the end of the month or the end of the week, just change that and there you go, it will be on week ending or month ending
but we'll put that back to 'Beginning'
and also, if you say have a week ending, it'll probably be week ending on a Sunday. So in that scenario, you would choose both of these. So week/month ending and then time sheets end on a Sunday
going further down, I'll put these back, actually, there we go
you can apply defaults to each time sheet
at the moment, we've just got it set to either nine to five or full days between Mondays and Fridays. You can remove this. So the contractors have to explicitly put in the hours for each day
if, when you're doing this once you've got a contractor set, just click on 'Timesheets', click, 'Add timesheet', and you'll be able to see will be a list of contractors in the here and you can see what the timesheets look like
so let's go back down here, agency defaults, back into timesheets, and then also, if you often get them of holidays, you can set as default
and also if people are allowed night shifts
we select these normally, to 'No'
because we hide as much as possible from the contractors and we don't want you to have to set it to 'Off' every time you add one.
So if we go back out, go into email settings, if you want to have all of your accepted timesheets go to a central place within your agency for every contractor, this is where you set it, so you just toggle that to 'Yes'
and then put it in... payroll@rocketrecruitment.com or whatever your email address is for the payroll there. You can even make it your accountants, if you want
so what will happen is in real-time when the contractor's timesheet is accepted, that instantly goes to that email address with the PDF attached
so we'll go to 'Agency settings', and this is just one that, if you want the logo on your emails to go to a different web address, if you change your web address or anything like that, you can just do it in here
we're always adding to these settings. So these will change over time and we will update this video if it needs it
but that should cover just about everything you need for the time being there's more in the Help part of the website as well, which can be accessed down there
And finally, let's get our first contractor and their line manager onboarded so that the first timesheet can be submitted.
Now that we've got the agency-branded and we've got the settings all sorted out ready for your agency.
What we're going to do is onboard the first contractor.
So before we do that, we're just going to explain to some of these left-hand menu items.
So first off we've got 'Users', the only person in there at the moment should be yourself. You can add users using this slide-out here the only two required fields are here and here.
So we'll go ahead and we'll add one for a contractor. We're going to call them Chris Smith
and you can put whatever reference details you want in there or just leave it blank.
Now just remember, Users are any people in the system. They can be a contractor, they can be a line manager or they can be an administrator.
So now we come down to 'Clients'. Clients are any businesses that you deal with. So let's say we deal with NASA and leave these two fields blank for now.
Okay, so we've got our first user in there and then we've got our first client. Now everything hangs off what we call a 'Contract'. So let's go in here, we've got no contracts yet, so let's have the first contract.
Once we do this, this ties together, the client and the contractors. Each contractor can have their own authorisor. They can have ones different to each other or the same. You can have one contractor to one contract or many contractors working under the same contract.
So let's say that we don't actually want NASA to be the client. We can just add a new one on the fly. So we'll call them SpaceX okay and again, leave those other two blank, there you go, you've got a new client in the system.
This is going to be called the Falcon 9 contract.
And down here, we've got the defaults set. So this means that every time you add a new contractor, if you have 'Yes', selected, then it will default them to be on a weekly contract and submitting hour by hour.
So they'll start at whatever time and they'll end at a certain time and then they'll submit a certain time for breaks.
Everything else is set to 'No' so they're not going to be able to submit any holidays and hours have to be done during the normal business day, it can't go through midnight and if you want to add a reference number in that will tally with your CRM, then you can.
Other than that, click add contract, and you'll be taken straight through to the 'Contract detail' page.
Now from here, we can add your contractor. We already have a contractor, that's Chris Smith who we just added, but let's imagine that they're not on the system yet. So we can just add them on the fly.
you then need to select their line manager. So if that line manager isn't in the system, again, we just 'Add a new user'
Click 'Add user' and that person is now in the system.
All that's required now is a start date. So we'll just select the 12th and everything else should be right. So it's hourly weekly.
If you want to change it for this particular contractor, just change it to'Day rate'
That will remove the nights because obviously, you can't go through a night.
If we're not requesting the hours, you can put it in a payroll number here for Ali Jones. So whatever your payroll number is, and then click 'Invite users'. When you click 'Invite users', this sends an email to them.
For reference, the email that goes out will look something like this.
So it's:
Ali Jones, John Rocket - that's you (the recruiter), has invited you to start submitting time sheets for the 'Falcon 9 Team 1' contract with SpaceX through the Rocket Recruitment timesheet system.
All they have to do is click here and then they are taken to a page that looks like your login page, but it has one field, they enter a new password, and then they're taken straight in. That's all you need to do to set up your first contractor. If you need to add another one on the same contract, you click in there.
if you need to edit this contractor, just click in here, it'll take you to the 'Contractor detail'
and you can see any timesheets that they've submitted. This one hasn't submitted any, but you can on their behalf. See, that's set to day rates. If they are set to hourly rates,
Then it looks like this.
Hopefully that answers everything. If you have any questions, just email support@savetrees.co.uk, or reach out to us directly and we'll be happy to answer any questions.
Good luck!
Although signing up as an authoriser is extremely straight forward, it's always good practice to give them the heads up and an idea of what to expect so below is an example email that you can send to the people who will be authorising timesheets.
RE: Online timesheet system for {your agency name}
Hi {name},
As part of our process for paying {contractors/workers/temps} on time, we have streamlined our timesheet submission and authorisation process. To facilitate this, we have adopted the user-friendly SaveTrees Online Timesheet system and I am reaching out to provide you with the necessary information.
What to expect
In the coming days, you'll receive an email from donotreply@savetrees.co.uk. When you receive it, please follow the instructions to set your account password which will complete your sign up. The next time you hear anything will be when there is a timesheet ready to approve.
Video walkthrough
For your convenience, a brief video offers insights into the sign up process and guides you on how to accept and reject timesheets. You can access the video here: https://savetrees.co.uk/help/how-to-sign-up-as-an-authoriser/
Help for authorisers
While the system is designed to be straightforward, we understand that you may have questions along the way. There is a dedicated help site for timesheet authorisers, which you can find here: https://savetrees.co.uk/help/authorisers/
Should you have any questions or require further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to myself or the team.
Kind regards
{your name}
Although signing up as a worker is extremely straight forward, it's always good practice to give them the heads up and an idea of what to expect so below is an example email that you can send to the people who will be authorising timesheets.
RE: Online timesheet system for {your agency name}
Hi {name},
As part of our process for paying you on time, we have streamlined our timesheet submission process. To facilitate this, we have adopted the user-friendly SaveTrees Online Timesheet system and I am reaching out to provide you with the necessary information.
What to expect
In the coming days, you'll receive an email from donotreply@savetrees.co.uk. When you receive it, please follow the instructions to set your account password which will complete your sign up.
Once you have completed your first {weeks/months} work, please log in and submit your time worked.
Video walkthrough
For your convenience, a brief video offers insights into the sign up process and guides you on how to accept and reject timesheets. You can access the video here: https://savetrees.co.uk/help/how-to-sign-up-as-a-worker/
Help for {contractors/workers/temps}
While the system is designed to be straightforward, we understand that you may have questions along the way. There is a dedicated help site for {contractors/workers/temps}, which you can find here: https://savetrees.co.uk/help/workers/
Should you have any questions or require further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to myself or the team.
Kind regards
{your name}
Arrange a face-to-face onboarding session (recommended)
Have any other questions?
If you would like a little more help with your account setup or have any other questions, please feel free to reach out at any time. There is no charge for this as we want you to feel confident and comfortable with the system so just pick up the phone and dial 0117 442 0201 or, if you prefer, email support@savetrees.co.uk or visit help.savetrees.co.uk